A very good master. The prices for the work are reasonable. It explains everything intelligently.
the graphic key was lost - but the phone could not be reset to factory. settings - it was done within 2-3 days. The image was merged and the key graph itself was found. Before that, I turned to a bunch of "specialists" for repair, no one knew how to solve it - everyone said whether the firmware was reset via recovery - but no one could do with saving the phone's condition.
Panorama shopping center ground floor!
A knowledgeable master (Roots), repair prices, etc.parts are very moderate, a whole range of maintenance and repair services! The opportunity to get high-quality advice! 5*
Entrance 5*
Parking 4*
Service 5*
The result is 5* I recommend it! 👍
He's a very slippery guy. He may not give his mobile phone out of repair for a month. He often does not pick up the phone or picks up, answers "I'm busy", resets.
He sells cheap mobile phones at the price of expensive ones, he can even stick a new type of film on a four-year-old mobile phone.