A dumb strange monument. From a distance, it seems that some letters have fallen on their sides. Perhaps it's just an artistic decision of the authors and the letters gradually align and increase in size.
A rather unusual installation. Young people often have a rest. There is an equally interesting Bus cafe nearby. I recommend a visit. It is located on Lenin Street, opposite the Town Hall.
I often see citizens and guests taking pictures against the background of this installation. Only this installation needs to be positioned away from the Bass jass kafe, so that the background is the Town Hall or the panorama of the city center.
Well, it's worth it, no longer as an installation, but as a simulator for children, they climb it all the time, lie on the letters until someone breaks their head
It's just that the meter-long letters are painted in different colors. But one thing is certain, the place where they stand is beautiful. Bridge , alley .
I would trim the number "1" from the letter "A". Otherwise, you can immediately see that the letter was taken from the A1 communication salon. Or is it A1 who organized this installation and so hints at his involvement in it? I don't know. But in the word "Mova" this figure is clearly superfluous.