Падлетка Сасо яшчэ не бяруць у салдаты – не дарос. Ягоная вайна – цяжкая праца ў полі, вучоба, дапамога цётцы Кето і аднакласніцы Хаціі. Сасойя водзіць дзяўчынку ў школу, таму што з усяго навакольнага свету Хація бачыць толькі сонца. А калі бачыць со
7 Br
З нагоды мёртвых душ 12+
У невялікую бібліятэку трапляе маладая практыкантка з мараю “усё перарабіць-асучасніць” і адразу ладзіць мерапрыемства пад назваю бібліяноч. Там на спірытычным сеансе яна выклікае кнігу, якую калісьці знішчыў (спаліў) сам аўтар.
Другі том “Мёртвых
7 Br
Дзікае паляванне Караля Стаха 16+
Цёмны, забыты, пракляты край… Дрыгва… Страх… Смерць… Прывіды, якія ажываюць і людзі, падобныя да мерцьвякоў...
Дзікае паляванне караля Стаха гатовае скрышыць капытамі і ўтаптаць у багну любога, хто стане на ягоным шляху...
Ахвяра дзікага палява
I was pleasantly surprised. It was the first time. The whole interior is in an autumn torn-out style, everything is very neat, everything is new, neat.Even the toilets pleased me. A very interesting ceiling on the second floor. You can sit and admire during the intermission. The performance itself also left positive emotions (Figaro). The actors just lit up. I'm thinking of visiting again sometime.
I love you, dear theater staff, and more importantly, my ten-year-old son loves you very much. You treat the classics boldly but respectfully, and modernity respectfully but ironically. We attend all your performances repeatedly, and we look forward to the premieres.
From personal recommendations, our top 3 is The Wild Hunt of King Stach (this is a masterpiece, I'm sorry for the pathos, but we are sophisticated viewers)
The Canterville Ghost
Johnny is the leader of the Redskins.
I will also recommend the Master and Margarita, at my own risk, as I liked it. Do not expect a wow effect (this is for Wild Hunting, by the way), the scale of the work cannot be covered by this small scene. Touching Vera Makei in the title role, fragile, strong, a little otherworldly; sometimes gorgeous set design, especially the ending. Wonderful cast.
Of course, this is not a retelling or quoting of a great work, it is "on the subject", but how good it is.
And P.S. My child is growing up with you, and I thank you for your hard work!
It's a very good theater. A cozy room, armchairs and location (proximity to the metro). The cast is just wonderful. Interesting performances for different ages.
I found the only negative only in the buffet. If you don't like to drink hot coffee, then don't buy it during the intermission. (First, they will make you coffee and make the payment, and then they will warn you that you cannot enter the hall with coffee. They have ice, but it is not offered. If you find yourself in such a situation, then immediately ask for ice.)