Many thanks to the therapist Smirnova Tatiana Leonidovna. Attentive, friendly, professional in her field. He explains everything in an accessible and understandable way, listens to you. Her help helped me a lot. Thank you very much
Please recruit qualified specialists to your staff, because apparently you hire just anyone. I came 3 weeks ago for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, an ultrasound specialist found a diverticulum on my gallbladder (this is a very rare phenomenon for the gallbladder), I do an ultrasound every year in Minsk, everything was always fine, naturally I was very scared, I started to wind myself up, went to the polyclinic to the district doctor, then to the surgeon, showing the picture and both doctors said that this was some kind of nonsense, and advised me to do an ultrasound again in another place, I came to Minsk, did an ultrasound again, and of course they found nothing there, my gallbladder was fine, and the formation that the ultrasound took for a diverticulum turned out to be an ordinary bubble with liquid in the liver, which did not It has to do with bile! I would fire such workers, they are incompetent, plus I have been winding myself up with the most terrible thoughts for several weeks.
If you want to be healthy, then you don't visit this doctor at this center!.I visited Puhalsky's otolaryngologist, but instead of a proper diagnosis, I made a completely different one, and an MRI scan was used to confirm his correctness.Answered"Don't take it for a show-off," like he doesn't care.The report on the complaint is generally ridiculous by the management (they didn't even call to find out the other side).Who was asked?A doctor and a smart nurse who won't go against a doctor.Even the receptionist said that she tolerates his stories)))