You can't say anything good.... I ate and drank on the first one... On the second, he dressed cheaply but angrily... I got my hair done, washed my face..... Went to the price list and bought what I needed... And you are ready for new discoveries
Some kind of strange store - after work you go in, then there is no bread, some loaves, then vice versa. Somehow I came in there is no sugar at all. There are no cigarettes at the ticket offices, they run to one cash register
It's an average store, the choice is standard, it doesn't look very good. Only one, maximum two ticket offices are always open, so there are long queues. Installment cards are not accepted. In general, so-so.
The prices are too high compared to other stores. There are few ticket offices, there are almost always queues. Of course, not everything can be found there, and this is its disadvantage. Sometimes there are not even the most typical products. However, the whole chicken baked is very tasty and cheap.
An adequate store with a good selection of goods. However, the ticket offices are not always all open and sometimes you have to stand in line for a long time during rush hour
They cheat with prices. There are some on the hall, others at the checkout. The store always stinks of something, as if someone died and was fried. There is an eternal queue of ten people at the ticket office. There are network discounts, that's the only reason you can go to this store
The main disadvantage of the store is that there is always one cash register, very rarely two, and sellers, of course, as a selection... Swollen, bruised