I watched the TV series "topi" and saw the scenery live, atmospheric, wow
The nature of Belarus is picturesque and magical!
Every corner is beautiful!
Learn to see beauty everywhere, to be alive and real!
Happiness is in the little things , nature heals our souls !
We spent the whole summer on this lake. The playground itself is a very atmospheric place. We were direct witnesses to the filming of the film. Excellent forest on the way to the lake itself, clean air. Bathing is prohibited, but the water is warm, transparent with fish and shellfish.
The impression is twofold. On the one hand, it is a very atmospheric place. It's easy to get there, the territory is large, the lake has a bunch of piers to swim in. There are many trails for walking and this is all wooden antiquity. But for some reason, the territory is absolutely not well maintained. Everything is piled up, garbage, thickets of goldenrod in the shoulders. The place definitely has the potential to visit. But the environment is rather disgusting.