The park is beautiful, but why it's there makes your heart ache. The park is a monument to all the children who were tortured during the Second World War. The rows of snow-white desks seem to remind that the children of the war were not destined to study in peace, and many were not destined to survive this war. We remember and we will remember.
The memorial is beautiful, it is remembered and the history of the events that took place here must be known. The guide tells the story of this place in an interesting way. Be sure to sign up and see this memorial accompanied by a guide. There will be a museum soon and another reason to visit this place.
The park, unlike the estate, is in a neglected state. The brick paths have been dismantled, and the fence that surrounds the park is falling apart. Only the manor has benches. The park shore is being washed away and trees are falling into the river. You can see that the old trees are being cut down, but there are no new trees in sight. It's strange considering that there is an agricultural college on the territory. At least it was possible to plant beautiful bushes and trees.