Хрустящие драники, свинина и бекон, обжаренные в сливочном соусе с помидорами, сладким перцем, луком-пореем и рукколой
21.3 Br415 g
Куриное филе с картофельными ньокками
Куриное филе, картофельные ньокки в сливочном соусе с миксом из жареных грибов (боровики консервированные обжаренные, шампиньоны и вешенки) с чесноком и луком, томатами черри и беконом, Джюгас, руккола
21 Br385 g
Блинчики с творогом и сметаной с вишневым соусом
Блинчики с начинкой из творога и сметаны, подаются со сметаной, мятой и вишневым соусом
10.9 Br270 g
Лазанья Аль Форно
Лазанья с говядиной, сливочно-сырный соус с вялеными томатами, пармезан, шпинат
One of the most favorite places in Minsk for recreation 🥰
The dishes are prepared quickly, which is very important.On average, we expect pizza for no more than 15 minutes.
It is always very tasty and satisfying, I definitely recommend it
The last time we were served by the waiter Pavel, who left only positive impressions about himself. Thank you for the excellent service, attentiveness and endless desire to please your guests.
It's not a bad place. Reasonable prices, cozy atmosphere.
We ordered a Bavarian pizza with a friend. They asked me to do it on a traditional test. I'm sorry, of course, but the traditional one is always a thick, fluffy dough, in all places. When the waiter brought the pizza, we immediately noticed that the dough was thin. To our question, "why is that?", the man replied that traditional is subtle) Well, no) We decided to go to the website and see how it says: in fairness, there was not a word about the traditional - just "thin" or "lush". But then the logical question arises: why didn't the waiter ask what kind of dough we mean? Is it really that hard? The pizza turned out to be delicious, but what kind of service can we talk about when it's so difficult to specify the thickness of the dough? This fact greatly spoiled the impression of the dinner.
There was also no check-back- no one was interested in whether we liked the dish or not. These are small things, of course, but the service is a big minus, but the kitchen left good impressions.
They did not argue, they paid, as they should. For the future, please specify which kind of dough you mean.
A great place, courteous staff, a huge selection on the menu and whatever you choose, everything will be delicious to taste, delicious in appearance, delicious in smell! The price corresponds to the place.If you want a satisfying, tasty and cheap meal, come here! The next time we are in Minsk, we will definitely have lunch here!