Great beach. Entering the sea, small pebbles, then sand. It is a pleasure to swim, even when the sea is agitated, because an embankment is made in the distance, which holds back the waves, swims like in a bay. Beauty.
The beach is not bad, there are large stones, there are slabs, but you can find a comfortable place for swimming, the water is clean, I haven't seen any garbage for 10 days.
There is a lot of garbage in the sea.
If you go swimming at 08.00, then there is a chance to swim in the clear sea, then waste like plastic and bags are dumped there
The beach of Alancia Resolt Hotel is small pebbles , there is cleaning, but not thorough.
Entering the sea of pebbles, I do not like
When leaving the beach, there is a shower and you can wash your feet
Beach at +3
All the bars are on site, I have to go, but I'm too lazy to move on the hot sand, I rested by the pool more often than by the sea.
The beach in Alanya is better than in Kemer. Sand. Of course, those who are used to the beaches of Mexico and the Dominican Republic will seem a little gray, but the sunsets are just "brilliant". A great beach for its geographical location.
The beach is good, the waves are awesome + there is a bar on the beach from the hotel, and the bar is logically free because the bar is from the hotel, there is also some food