A fertile place where you can have a great time, for body and soul. A monastery that shares everything it has with anyone. You can attend divine services, submit notes for a year, or half a year, for 40 days, prayer services, memorial services, a large selection of candles, various products, natural medicines, you can eat in the refectory.
There are guided tours, or you can spend time in solitude, the territory of the monastery is very beautiful and well maintained. Nearby there are holy springs with baptismal fonts. And most importantly, this is the place of the appearance of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, this shrine is located in the temple and there is free access to it.
We visited this place on our own, without excursions, the main cathedral was under repair, we walked around the surrounding area. Everything is done neatly, a beautiful garden with a fountain, huge bells that are located right next to the garden and they are also active. Shops selling church utensils. Overall, the experience is excellent, there is a desire to return and take a full tour after the renovation.
Zhirovichi is the Orthodox center of Belarus, unites 4 churches - the Assumption Cathedral, St. Nicholas Church. It is here that the miraculous icon of the Mother of God is located, the Holy Cross Church, the Yavlen Church is closed for restoration. All this is complemented by well-groomed greenery and territory. Also on the territory there is a Theological seminary, a Bell tower, monasteries, several commercial church shops, there is a lean paid dining room for everyone. In the depths of the buildings, the story of the miraculous icon's appearance is recreated (it has always appeared to children)