There is ice on some sections of roads.
Next week: almost no precipitation · −1…+1° · light winds at 3 m/s with gusts up to 7 m/s
Weather in Moscow
This time yesterday
1,3 m/s, NE
Wind: 1.3 Meters per second, north-easterly.62%
Humidity: 62%.761 mmHg
Pressure: 761 hectopascals.Hourly forecast
- At 16: clear, −3°16:00−3°
- At 17: clear, −3°17:00−3°
- Sunset at 17:5017:50Sunset
- At 18: clear, −5°18:00−5°
- At 19: clear, −6°19:00−6°
- At 20: clear, −6°20:00−6°
- At 21: clear, −7°21:00−7°
- At 22: clear, −8°22:00−8°
- At 23: clear, −9°23:00−9°
- At 0: clear, −10°Mon, 0:00−10°
- At 1: clear, −10°1:00−10°
- At 2: clear, −10°2:00−10°
- At 3: clear, −11°3:00−11°
- At 4: clear, −11°4:00−11°
- At 5: clear, −12°5:00−12°
- At 6: clear, −12°6:00−12°
- At 7: clear, −12°7:00−12°
- Sunrise at 7:337:33Sunrise
- At 8: clear, −12°8:00−12°
- At 9: clear, −11°9:00−11°
- At 10: clear, −8°10:00−8°
- At 11: clear, −6°11:00−6°
- At 12: clear, −5°12:00−5°
- At 13: clear, −3°13:00−3°
- At 14: clear, −2°14:00−2°
- At 15: clear, −1°15:00−1°
- At 16: clear, −1°16:00−1°
- At 17: clear, −2°17:00−2°
- Sunset at 17:5217:52Sunset
- At 18: clear, −3°18:00−3°
- At 19: clear, −4°19:00−4°
- At 20: clear, −6°20:00−6°
- At 21: clear, −7°21:00−7°
- At 22: clear, −8°22:00−8°
- At 23: clear, −9°23:00−9°
Forecast for your hobby
OverviewRoad conditionsWinter sportsFishingWater sportsGardening10 day forecast
- Yesterday0−7Partly cloudy
- Todayday−3night−12Clear
- Mon−1−12Clear
- Tue0−9Clear
- Wed0−7Partly cloudy
- Thu+1−5Mostly clear
- Fri+1−2Overcast
- Sat+1−1Snow
- Sun0−2Snow
- Mon+1−1Snow
- Tue+3−1Light snow
- Wed+4+1Overcast
- Thu+30Overcast
- Fri+4−3Overcast
- Sat−3−7Overcast
- Sun−3−9Light snow
- Mon−2−5Mostly clear
- Tue0−3Partly cloudy
- Wed0−4Partly cloudy
- Thu+1−4Mostly clear
- Fri+2−2Mostly clear
- Sat+4−2Mostly clear
- Sun+5−1Clear
- Mon+50Mostly clear
- Tue+30Partly cloudy
- Wed+3−1Partly cloudy
- Thu+2−1Partly cloudy
- Fri+2−1Light rain
- Sat+3−2Partly cloudy
- Sun+2−3Partly cloudy
- Mon+2−1Partly cloudy
Daylight hours
10 hr 15 min
Waning crescent
Quiet magnetic field
Low UV Index
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