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Earthquakes: Understanding the forces beneath the Earth’s surface

Earthquakes are among the most dramatic and destructive natural phenomena. They occur when energy stored in the Earth’s crust is suddenly released. This energy release results from the movement of tectonic plates, leading to seismic waves that shake the ground. Here’s an in-depth look at what causes earthquakes, how they are measured, and recent significant seismic events.

Shaking things up: How to minimize earthquake damage

When the ground starts to rumble, it’s too late to start preparing. Earthquakes can strike without warning, leaving destruction in their wake. However, with proper planning and preparation, we can significantly reduce the damage caused by these seismic events. Let’s explore some scientifically backed strategies to minimize earthquake damage, drawing from expert sources and government agencies.

Sunlight and UV Dangers: A Guide to Safe Exposure

Understanding UV Radiation and Protecting Against Its Hazards

Tornadoes and how they're formed

Tornadoes are as hard to predict as they are to forget after experiencing one. These mysterious whirlwinds can look like ordinary clouds, hide behind heavy rain, and even touch ground in a snowstorm. Keep reading to learn how tornadoes are formed and what myths get stuck in their vortex.

Understanding the phases of the Moon

During the course of a month, the Moon goes through several phases. The major Moon phases are the new moon, the first quarter, the full moon, and the third quarter. As a matter of fact, the Moon displays eight main phases. We'll dive deeper into these phases to find out why this Earth's most constant companion changes its appearance night after night.

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