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Dust storms in Central Asia and beyond: A powerful force of nature

Dust storms, also known as sandstorms, are captivating and powerful natural phenomena that occur when strong winds lift dust and sand particles into the atmosphere, creating dense, moving clouds. These storms are most prevalent in arid and semi-arid regions, where the wind easily picks up loose soil. Their impacts are far-reaching, significantly affecting the environment and human health. This article delves into the intricacies of dust storms, exploring their formation, regional characteristics, notable cases, and the challenges they pose.

Tornadoes and how they're formed

Tornadoes are as hard to predict as they are to forget after experiencing one. These mysterious whirlwinds can look like ordinary clouds, hide behind heavy rain, and even touch ground in a snowstorm. Keep reading to learn how tornadoes are formed and what myths get stuck in their vortex.

Fire Tornadoes: Nature's Fiery Spectacle

Discover the mesmerizing spectacle of fire tornadoes, a natural phenomenon that showcases nature's fiery power

Sunlight and UV Dangers: A Guide to Safe Exposure

Understanding UV Radiation and Protecting Against Its Hazards

Understanding the phases of the Moon

During the course of a month, the Moon goes through several phases. The major Moon phases are the new moon, the first quarter, the full moon, and the third quarter. As a matter of fact, the Moon displays eight main phases. We'll dive deeper into these phases to find out why this Earth's most constant companion changes its appearance night after night.

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